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By all appearances, Western Restaurant Nekoya is a normal restaurant serving normal people-but unbeknownst to the regulars, it also attracts an alternative clientele. Every Saturday, all manner of fantastical beings come to dine, and what is familiar fare to humans can be downright exotic for visitors from beyond. To these customers, Nekoya is known by a different name: Restaurant to Another World. READERS BEWARE: Opening this book may lead to uncontrollable drooling and a grumbling belly!
The people of "a certain world" call the restaurant that serves strange and special dishes: ---- "Another World Restaurant". There is a secret to Neko-ya, a very ordinary Western-style restaurant. It is that every Saturday, when the restaurant is closed, it is overflowing with "special customers". The customers, who are all different from each other in terms of birth, upbringing, and even race, are looking for the most ordinary Western food. But for them, it's a dish they've never seen or heard of before.