High SchoolChapter 85
Action Comedy Shounen

Jo Pae, who is not really a sane boy, in this current era, wants to become emperor of Korea... His first step when he enters high school is to become the leader of the strongest school there is. Unexpectedly, he actually takes down all of the school's yankees.Jo Pae is now the enemy to kill! All rival schools want his head, whatever the means!

GwiChapter 34


Action Drama Martial arts

Mu-Sang’s has a quest... He must find and kill every “Gwi” that has ever existed. He is determined and won’t let anything get in his way, not even the imperial army!While traveling and searching for the remnants of Gwi, he meets a girl who also bears the same crossed out mark that he has. A fateful encounter? Were those two fated to meet? And why does he hold such a grudge against the “Gwi”? ...are all questions left to be answered!