My Private HeroChapter 2
Comedy Yaoi

The following content is intended for mature audiences and may contain sexual themes, gore, violence and/or strong language. Discretion is advised. Naoyuki Taira has spent almost his whole life as a superhero fan, so he is beyond excited when he is left in charge of running a hero event at his department store. He even gets to meet Ikishima, who plays the hero Kabutoman Redeye. All is going smoothly, and the show has begun... but Kabutoman Redeye is nowhere to be found! Oh no! Who will come to save the day when Kabutoman Redeye is stuck in a slump before his big performance?! Taira, frantically searching for the star, finds him in the bathroom and... discovers his "stage fright." Now It's up to Taira to save the day and calm the hero's nerves in time.