All Manga, Character Designs and Logos are © to their respective copyright holders.
"I'll do anything for you, Riko." After her father's death, Riko suddenly finds herself living with his parting gift: a male humanoid robot called Akito. Booting up this high-functioning robot turns Riko's calm and mundane life upside-down! Although she finds him annoying, the more she watches him, the harder it gets to turn him off... Then, one day, the curious and rather touchy-feely Akito says... "Can kissing convey my love for you?"...What's with this robot? Turns out he has a secret function...!
"I'll do anything for you, Riko." After her father's death, Riko suddenly finds herself living with his parting gift: a male humanoid robot called Akito. Booting up this high-functioning robot turns Riko's calm and mundane life upside-down! Although she finds him annoying, the more she watches him, the harder it gets to turn him off... Then, one day, the curious and rather touchy-feely Akito says... "Can kissing convey my love for you?"...What's with this robot? Turns out he has a secret function...!
【シーモア限定、おまけマンガ1P収録】「美紅姉ちゃん、俺のものになってよ」就職も決まった大学生・美紅は、年下の幼馴染・久我昴と数年ぶりに再会する。弟のように可愛かった彼は、いまや大企業の御曹司として、クールな大人のイケメンに大変身していた。――が、彼から言い渡されたのは、昴のもとで住み込み就職!? 「いつまでも弟だと思ってたら、大まちがいだぞ」夜にベッドで迫ってきた昴のキスは、小さいころのスキンシップのようなものじゃない…。何度も繰り返されるキスは熱くて、大きな手は身体に触れてきて…。強引な彼の行動はすべて、「美紅姉ちゃんを自分のものにする」計画の一端で――!?