AresChapter 207
Action Drama Shounen

The story takes place in an era similar to that of ancient Rome in a country called Cronos. It follows a group known as the Temple Mercenaries. In particular, the manhwa is about Ares, Michael and Baroona, three young warriors with mysterious pasts and surpassing skills...

Nephilim JohnChapter 42
Action Shounen Supernatural

Battle angels, Lucifer, demons, and holy wars: a nephilim by the name of John is abruptly thrown into this world one day when Michael, a battle angel, comes crashing into the room he is in.Season 1: 8 Volumes (Complete)Season 2: (Ongoing) Original Webtoon:http://ttale.com/?m=SPWebtoon&page=srlist&pid=7&p=1#