Chinmoku no IinariChapter 1
Mature Romance Smut

Shy college student Michiko harbors secret feelings for young Professor Tanigawa. One night, she visits his office, only to witness Tanigawa in the middle of masturbating while calling out the name of a woman she doesn't know! Jealousy drives Michiko to do something she'd never do normally. Using his embarrassment at being caught in the act as leverage, she makes him a slave to her desires... So begin the passionate, secret meetings between the hot professor and the girl in love! But what surprising twist awaits the two at the end of their tryst...!?

Choukyou Trap Hanayome no ShikakuChapter 0
Romance Smut

Today Yumiko has a date for an arranged marriage. She meets the serious-looking Takeda, who works at City Hall. However, He rejects the marriage before anything can start without any indication as to why. When Yumiko demands to know the reason, he takes Yumiko to his condo. There, she's handed a small vibrator...!! Mr. Takeda can't be turned on unless he sees an aroused woman. Yumiko is told to use the vibrator on herself. Can she accept Mr. Takeda's strange sexual habits...!?