Yamiiro no AijinChapter 4
Drama Smut Supernatural Yaoi

A captivating encounter between a human and a vampire!Rei runs away from his uncle's home and, during the night, he meets a mysterious man that promises him they will meet again the next time there will be a full moon. However, the kid is taken by the police and sent to an orphanage asylum. 10 years later, he meets the mysterious man again...

Wasurerarenai Yoru to HikikaeniChapter 8
Shounen ai Yaoi

Collection of oneshots 1,2) Unforgettable Night (2 chapters) Kasuma, a high school student, meets his "idol", the president of Watase corporation... 3) All I Want To Do Is Embrace You Sanjo Izumi, 14 years old, is the seemingly cool and composed heir of the Sanjo corporation... 4) The Biker Who Couldn't Stop Yuusuke has a thing for motorbikes... 5) Sweet Violin Sakimoto has problems with his noisy neighbour. 6) The Night of the Siamese Fighting Fish Traumatized years ago, Fujishiro is cold to his lover, a college professor. 7) Getting Close to You With the Sound of My Flute Tooru's family is known for its flute playing, but he's horrible at it. Then this horned guy shows up and kisses him... 8) Bloodstained Hands Aru is a young knight who despises killing. Setsuen is a brutal warrior whose bloodlust disgusts Aru, but he can't stop thinking about him.

Senshuuraku Made MatteChapter 7

Summary by Backlash67: First Act: Kyouya, a top leading Japanese dancer, has caught the eye of Kunitachi, a company president. Kunitachi is arrogant and aggressive. He openly and publicly kisses Kyouya whenever he feels like it without Kyouya’s consent. Despite his possessive and aggressive advances towards Kyouya, he is seen in the the tabloids having a private meeting with a beautiful woman. Can Kyouya continue to play hard-to-get especially when this scandal has angered him to the point of confronting Kunitachi?

Tsuyameku HishataiChapter 5

Alluring Subject: While working as a photographer’s assistant in a studio, Shou was approached by Amamiya, the Chairman of an influential production company, to become a model. Annoyed by Amemiya Tsukasa’s arrogance but unable to turn his back on a challenge, Shou decided to accept Amemiya’s offer. Unexpectedly, Shou was ordered to stay in Amamiya’s apartment – to be trained personally by Amemiya to become a top model. But what does the training entails---? Romance of an elite company president and a Cinderella boy. With The Master Till Dawn: Rin, Amamiya's bratty cousin, is in love with him. What Rin doesn't know is that someone in his house hold is in love with HIM. A 17 Year Romance: High school friends discover new feelings for each other after 17 years of friendship. Anywhere With You: Secluded rich boy with health problems is in love with the delivery boy who sometimes comes around. The Serious Player: A bisexual playboy always teases his gay virgin ice queen of a coworker.

Hisho wa Shachou ni KudokareruChapter 7
Drama Romance Yaoi

1. In Secretary Kanzaki's eyes, President Shijou is a rich flirtatious guy! Having a good appearance and outstanding working abilities, there are no shortage of suitors for the President, either male or female. So why has he never seriously loved someone before? Could there be a reason? 2. Kataomoi no Nouki In the middle of the busiest time of work, Mura realizes he loves his chain-smoking boss, Shima (Shijou's brother), and confesses to him! How will Shima take the news? 3. Couples 1 and 2 meet in a bar on Christmas Eve. How will things turn out? Get your mind out of the gutter. 4. Shibata has no luck with women, his latest girlfriend just broke up with him after three months. Maybe coworker Toudou can change his bad luck streak? 5) Wakatsuki and Aihara are a dynamic work team. But Aihara is interested in more than just a business partnership. 6) Amane's lover Keigo is very jealous. Will he drive Amane away with his possessiveness? 7) Spoiled young man is being groomed to take over his family company. His ruthless secretary will make sure he's up to the job.