I Hear the SunspotChapter 0
Drama Romance Shounen Shounen ai

The story starts with college student Taichi, who comes from a not-so-well-off household and is desperately searching for work. He (literally) stumbles across fellow student Kouhei while on a job hunt, and is incredibly enticed by the delicious bento Kouhei has in hand. However, something seems a bit off about Kouhei – and when Taichi consults his friends about it, he gets an answer he really wasn't expecting: Kouhei is severely hearing impaired.

I Hear the Sunspot (Official)Chapter 25.5
Drama Shounen ai

Because of a hearing disability, Kohei is often misunderstood and has trouble integrating into life on campus, so he learns to keep his distance. That is until he meets the outspoken and cheerful Taichi. He tells Kohei that his hearing loss is not his fault. Taichi’s words cut through Kohei’s usual defense mechanisms and open his heart. More than friends, less than lovers, their relationship changes Kohei forever.