Girlfriends [UNOFFICIAL]Chapter 60
Comedy Drama Romance Webtoons

High school is shaping up to be much different than what Young had imagined. First of all, the girls and boys are in separate buildings, which means Young's got zero chance of casually running into her handsome, dreamy, kind, sexy, gorgeous crush, Bitna. Second, there's a psycho chick in Young's class...that no one else knows about! And to make things worse. she is Bitna's dream girl. Young must find a way to get back psycho chick and win Bitna's heart....but luck is not on her side and things quickly spiral out of control.

Girlfriends [OFFICIAL]Chapter 53
Comedy Drama Romance Webtoons

High school is shaping up to be much different than what Young had imagined. First of all, the girls and boys are in separate buildings, which means Young's got zero chance of casually running into her handsome, dreamy, kind, sexy, gorgeous crush, Bitna. Second, there's a psycho chick in Young's class...that no one else knows about! And to make things worse. she is Bitna's dream girl. Young must find a way to get back psycho chick and win Bitna's heart....but luck is not on her side and things quickly spiral out of control.