Sadistic Lover Game [Mature]Chapter 108
Adult Drama Mature Romance

"The head of the Chiyogami family conglomerate, Sou Chiyogami. And the woman who was their slave, Rindo Amadera. In a twisted and cruel world, these two each became monsters (sadists). Years later they meet again, yet this time their roles are reversed. Sadist versus sadist...a distorted lover game is about to begin..."

Sadistic Lover Grace [Mature]Chapter 0
Action Drama Mature Romance

It is said that there is a mistress who lives in a suspicious mansion that speaks to no one and yet solves peoples' worries. "Human greed knows no limits. One must become a monster in order to not be destroyed by monsters." She binds you in her rope and then releases you, like a cocoon turning into a butterfly. It looks like there's another strange guest visiting tonight as well... I wonder who it could be this time?