Neko to KissChapter 24
Comedy Romance Supernatural

From Ikemen Manga: A fun romantic comedy revolving around Wada Erina, a high school girl who absolutely adores cats, and her classmate, Nekoyama Akira, who is unsociable and always wears a mask. Erina is usually nicknamed "Queen" by her classmates due to her cool appearance but when she talks about cats, she gets extremely excited. One day, a cat visits her yard. Lured by it’s cuteness, she gets excited and kisses the cat, and then...?!

Sakuraba-san wa Tomaranai!Chapter 16
Comedy Romance


Neko to Kiss (Official)Chapter 24
Comedy Romance Supernatural

Erina loves cats more than anything, even though she looks like the haughty-princess type who could have any guy she wants. But even with his cat-like name, she can't stand her aloof classmate, Nekoyama-kun. But when she rescues a hurt kitty in her yard and gives it a perfect, snuggly kiss...she suddenly finds a very human Nekoyama-kun in her room? What gives?!