A Drunken Dream and Other Stories is a Japanese manga anthology written and illustrated by Moto Hagio, collecting a variety of her short stories originally from 1970 to 2007.
1. "Bianca" (1970, 16 pages)
2. "Girl on Porch with Puppy" (1971, 12 pages)
3. "Autumn Journey" (1971, 24 pages)
4. "Marié, Ten Years Later" (1977, 16 pages)
5. "A Drunken Dream" (1980, 21 pages)
6. "Hanshin: Half-God" (1984, 16 pages)
7. "Angel Mimic" (1984, 50 pages)
8. "Iguana Girl" (1991, 50 pages)
9. "The Child Who Comes Home" (1998, 24 pages)
10. "The Willow Tree" (2007, 20 pages)