DayXChapter 0
Action Comedy Drama Shounen

In a universe where Earth is a distant memory, humanity's last refuge is the void of space, threatened by the Onyx-ruthless, black-eyed creatures. After a brutal encounter with them, young orphan Kazuo vows to transform his fear into strength. Determined to become a Hunter, an elite warrior from Adamas Academy, Kazuo embarks on a perilous journey to defend humanity and prove he's more than a survivor-he's a hero in the making.

World After The End [official]Chapter 0
Action Comedy Drama Shounen

Clemethine who was just a 'pure' creature, decided to disobey the rules and went to earth. They found out that the earth was more than just 'a place where beings full of ego' adapt, earth seemed so interesting to them. They even joined a royal school full of different creatures and there's always a brand new story every day for them there. Curious about their every day stories? Check this one out!

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